Roy Moore Accuser’s Home Burns to Ground, Arson Investigation Begins

Roy Moore Accuser’s Home Burns to Ground, Arson Investigation Begins January 5, 2018


Tina Johnson is one of the several women who accused Roy Moore, former Alabama Senate candidate, of past sexual impropriety.  She said he grabbed her buttocks in his office in 1991.

This week, her home caught fire and burned the ground. has the details:

After neighbors and some utility workers called 911 shortly after 8 a.m. Tuesday, the Lookout Mountain Fire Department responded to the scene. By the time the flames were extinguished, Johnson and her family had lost everything they owned.

“I am devastated, just devastated,” said Johnson on Friday morning. “We have just the clothes on our backs.”

The Etowah County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release which read, “The ongoing investigation does not lead us to believe that the fire is in any way related to Roy Moore or allegations made against him.”

“Johnson was among eight women who came forward to say Moore acted inappropriately with them, with four saying he pursued them while they were teenagers and he was an adult,” CNN reported.
Moore denied all the accusations, but Alabama conservatives decided not to elect him to the Senate after Jeff Sessions vacated his seat to become the Attorney General. In December, Moore lost a runoff to Democrat Doug Jones, the first time a Democrat has held that Alabama seat in thirty years.
It’ll be interesting to see the results of the arson investigation.  Stay tuned for more details.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Hat Tip: CNN

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