March 21, 2018

Tuesday, on the 15th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, a reporter asked her if the United States should apologize for the country's past foreign policy decisions, but she was not amused.  Read more

March 20, 2018

It is the job of a political cartoon to vex those who abuse power or enable those abuses. Read more

March 16, 2018

This is super sad news. Read more

March 15, 2018

Liberals need to think long and hard about what the anti-gun movement actually is...  and decide once and for all if they actually, really want to oppose the foundational values of our nation. Read more

March 12, 2018

'Perhaps McDonald’s will have a new recipe for its classic Big Mac for women’s day: two all-woke patties, special pronouns, leftist, cheesy, progressive feminists on a virtue-signaling bun.' Read more

March 11, 2018

Refusing to pay more comes off as anti-social and people don’t want to be judged for that. People look on the other side of the till and see me standing there and they’re thinking that I’m judging them. Read more

March 8, 2018

She made a call to him and apologized, which I thought was absolutely appropriate. I happen to take exception [to] what she said. I don’t think it was right and I was glad to hear that she apologized Read more

March 8, 2018

Here's an idea.  What if comedians actually just tried to be funny, instead of using their platform for so-called 'social justice?' Read more

March 8, 2018

So, instead of being upset that illegal immigrants are flooding over the borders, this guy is upset that the federal government is trying to protect us. Oooookay.... Read more

March 8, 2018

Prohibiting sales to people in a way that is more restrictive than federal law might make the corporate big wigs feel better, but it will do nothing to prevent tragedy. Read more

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