Want An Obamacare Plan That Doesn’t Include Abortion? There’s A Website For That

Want An Obamacare Plan That Doesn’t Include Abortion? There’s A Website For That November 4, 2015


Micaiah Bilger at Lifenews.com has the story.

New Website Helps You Avoid Obamacare Plans Paying for Abortions With Your Tax Dollars

A new website is helping people to avoid paying for abortion coverage in the new Obamacare health insurance plans.
The Charlotte Lozier Institute and the Family Research Council created the website showing which insurance plans cover abortion on the state insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, the Washington Examiner reported today.

The website, ObamacareAbortion.com, has a clickable map of all 50 states. When a visitor clicks on a state, the website provides a list of the health insurance plans offered in the state exchange and notes whether the plan covers abortion.

For some pro-lifers, the site provides welcomed news. For two years in Rhode Island, all of the Obamacare insurance plans sold in the state included abortion, according to the Washington Examiner. But for 2016, the state health exchange offers at least one plan on every level (bronze, silver and gold) that does not cover abortion.

Rhode Island was forced to add plans that don’t cover abortion to its list after facing a lawsuit from a pro-life legal group in May, LifeNews.com previously reported.

Half of the states, pictured in green on the website map, passed opt-out laws that ensure abortion is not included in any of the plans sold on the state insurance exchange. However, the website reminds taxpayers that they still are paying federal taxes that are used to pay for abortion coverage in states that include abortion in their health insurance plans.

Read the rest here.

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