INTERVIEW – Hugh Palmer

INTERVIEW – Hugh Palmer May 8, 2008

Hugh PalmerThe following interview with Hugh Palmer took place at New Word Alive 2008. I have already published the audio version, which is available here.

I’m here with Hugh Palmer.


So, Hugh, can I just say first of all what a fantastic week this has been—to go from a standing start to . . . how many people are here?

Pretty much 4,000.

And it was all sold out within a matter of weeks, wasn’t it?

Yes. The site was sold out, and then we sold the best part of a thousand event passes on top of that.

Wonderful—that’s amazing! So, what are we going to do next year then?

Well, next year we’re heading to Prestatyn, and we’ve got two weeks back-to-back in the run-up to Easter. It’s a similar size site—it takes about 3,000. So we need even more people there.

What kinds of people should come? It’s not just for students, is it?

No, it’s anyone and everyone! The first week is during university holidays, but not during school holidays, so obviously that will be one where the student track will run, but where anyone who isn’t limited by school holidays is welcome. There will be plenty for all who are there. Then, in the second week (the week running up to Easter itself), we’ll have the full children and youth program and all the usual range of Bible teaching.

There are lots of different conferences that run. What would you say is unique about this one? Well . . . not so much unique, but what is the vision of this conference?

Well, the vision of this conference is to understand firmly and clearly the biblical gospel of Jesus, and yet we want to include anyone who wants to stand with us. It’s been very exciting this year to see the huge range of churches represented here. It’s been an encouraging thing for us. Our vision is not just that it will be a good holiday week and that there will be good Bible teaching, but that this really would be a time that does serve the churches; that it equips and trains us; and also, sends us out with a vision for and ability to start to reach the world.

That sounds pretty great. So, you really are looking for Christians from all sorts of persuasions and colors and backgrounds, are you?

Anyone who wants to stand firmly on the biblical gospel of Jesus, we want to welcome to come with us, join with us, train and grow with us.

That’s fantastic. And we’ve had people from as far a field as Newfrontiers and the Anglican church, like yourself, and all sorts of other different groupings as well, haven’t we this year—in the speakers and also in the participants?

Yes, and there are people who still seem to be talking to each other at the end of the week!

Yes. I don’t think I’ve seen any fisticuffs!

No, we try to keep those out of sight! (Laughter)

Well, Hugh, I’m sure you’re busy and need to get on with other things. Thanks for walking with me and just sharing a few thoughts. It’s been great. Possibly we’ll do this in more detail at some point in the future when we can do a proper Adrian Warnock interview with you. But for right now, thanks loads for these few minutes. I’ll let you get on with what you’re doing.

Thanks, Adrian. Take care.

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