Evangelicals – Heirs of the Reformation

Evangelicals – Heirs of the Reformation October 31, 2012

I wish you all a Happy Reformation day. This video below from John Piper explains why almost 500 years later Evangelicals should still grateful to God for the Reformation, and very much recognize ourselves as heir of that move of God.

Much as I love my Catholic friends, and as much as they have indeed themselves reformed (especially since Vatican II) I am very much a Protestant. To me, the Reformation very much lies at the heart of the Evangelical movement. Of course Catholics can be sympathetic to Evangelical ideals. Indeed many of them are even charismatic too. But, as I explained previously in my view, Evangelicalism is at root a Reformation movement.

Here is how Piper introduces the video on his site:

Today is Reformation Day. Martin Luther posted his explosive 95 theses October 31, 1517. In the wake of Luther’s life, an army of Reformers soon emerged. Foremost among them was John Calvin. Together they recovered for the church the supreme authority and clarity of the Scriptures. Grace-erasing tradition had buried the glory of the gospel. But now light was breaking out. So the Reformers took up a Latin phrase to describe the wonder: “Post Tenebras Lux”—“After Darkness… Light.”

In honor of Calvin’s ministry and, even more, in celebration of the God who restored the gospel to his church, we are making this video available today. My prayer is that it would stir in your heart a fresh passion for the majesty of the word of God.

In spite of his flaws, the essential meaning of Calvin’s life and preaching is that he recovered and embodied a passion for the majesty of God and his word. The labor of exposition through preaching was the supreme work of his life.

via After Darkness… Light (Video from Geneva) – Desiring God.


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