No one is immortal. What will you do with your time ?

No one is immortal. What will you do with your time ? October 6, 2022

For more years than I care to remember I’ve lived near this statue of Winston Churchill in two difffernt homes. I’ve always has a lot of respect for the man who led us safely through WW2, despite his many failings and some terrible other things he did   Once he towered over the world stage  Now all that’s left is some aging statuses.  Our lives, even the greatest, are so fleeting.  Amazing to think our late queen had him as her first prime minister.  I thought I’d snap a photo of his statue in Woodford.   This statue was in honour of him by the local community (he was MP of the area).

His time has gone. My time in Chingford, Loughton, and travelling to Enfield for church is gone. All too soon our days on Earth will be over too.

Today I move away to Colchester.  And a new day begins. Im thankful for the connections there I’ve already made in small ways

Let’s grab the small opportunities for joy and to be a service to others that today will bring. Then let’s do the same tomorow.

Dream Small

Safe Haven – when God leads you to a new peaceful place. Colchester here I come.


Winston Churchill by Roy Jenkins

Dream small and achieve big in life, your career, your business, or ministry

Dream small – take little steps to help others

“Do small things with great love” – Queen Elizabeth

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