June 2, 2024

Will anything stop American Christians voting for Trump this November? The depressing answer seems to be, no, nothing. Is he villain or victim? Convicted criminal or hero? Read more

June 1, 2024

Have you watched the Jesus Revolution film about when a remarkable move of the Holy Spirit hit three lives, Greg Laurie, Chuck Smith, and Lonnie Frisbee? The Church was never quite the same again. Read more

May 21, 2024

Corporate embodied worship is all about countering our self centredness.  As we sing our focus shifts from our own needs to the glory of Jesus. Our love for him dethrones our love for ourselves and sends us as a body into the World to love the lost. Read more

May 20, 2024

Seven years ago today,  I was diagnosed with a form of Blood Cancer that has tried to destroy my identity and define who I am. Today, on my personal D-Day, I can report I have been slowly learning to defy those definitions. My identity is not merely a diseased and damaged individual.  I am still in an ongoing battle to live beyond the labels, and it is far from easy. Read more

May 17, 2024

Russell Brand has interviewed his first Christian on his podcast. He chose the notorious Ex-Drug Smuggler, Michael Emmett, who is now a major part of the Prison Alpha movement. He was introduced to Holy Trinity Brompton whilst in prison via his wife's friend Sam Fox. Read more

May 15, 2024

Worshiping God with your body. Most Christians would agree that worship is an act that should engage the whole person including our emotions, and reflect a heart posture that seeks to honour God. But how should our bodies be involved with this? Read more

May 11, 2024

Birth, marriage and death are the three biggest emotional moments in life. Why would we seek to restrict our prophecies in these areas? Some call these "Hatch, match and dispatch" predictions and they are unlikely to contain true divine messages Read more

May 10, 2024

Adrian Warnock has been writing online on this site since 2003. Like many Patheos bloggers he first had his own site which later migrated here. Here we share his most visited posts since records began. Google Analytics is changing and the old data can’t be transported from the old system to the new one.  So here are his top twenty most visited articles over the last few years. This will give you a chance to read some of them that... Read more

May 9, 2024

The resurrection of Jesus is not just about changing individual lives. The whole universe is going to experience a resurrection. It will be made new. There will be no more pain, no more sickness, no more death. We will live together in a glorious renewed creation with our Creator. Read more

May 7, 2024

Embrace the reality of life after death. Do not imagine we will merely be a spirit or angel in heaven. Rather we will be given an eternal, tangible, physical body. This eternity far outweighs all the pain and suffering we all endure in life.  We will be reunited with loved ones, and with Jesus Christ himself who has gone before us. All this transforms death and loss into great eternal gain! Read more

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