April 8, 2024

I always believed that the moment you even thought about divorce in a marriage you had failed. Somehow, many think, opening up the possibility of splitting will inevitably lead to the unmentionable happening.  In many churches today divorce is still taboo, it is unthinkable.  If it happens in your marriage the stigma and shame can be unbearable.  Some even react as though divorce might be contagious, perhaps by unlocking the idea that if one couple can get divorced then maybe... Read more

April 6, 2024

The cross on its own does not justify us according to Paul.  This article explores what Paul means by "raised for our justification" discussing how the death and resurrection of Jesus works together to save us. Read more

April 4, 2024

In every sermon in the book of Acts the resurrection is stressed and the cross is usually just assumed. Much of the preaching of the gospel in our churches today would reverse that emphasis, stressing the cross while assuming the resurrection. As we examine each of these sermons, both to confirm their emphasis on the resurrection and to identify specifically what the resurrection accomplished for us, we will discover just how Christ’s victory over death can impact our lives today Read more

April 4, 2024

Jesus’ death was not the end of the story, and so we have in the Gospels the culmination of all previous resurrection hopes. But the Gospels themselves talk about resurrection even before Jesus’ death. In this chapter let’s examine those references to resurrection. Read more

April 2, 2024

The Old Testament contains hints of resurrection. This article demonstrates that the future hope of life after death is anticipated in Jewish Bible. Read more

March 31, 2024

Christ is Risen!  The cry of Easter Sunday brings with it hope for us as we face a World of death and pain. Life is itself a terminal condition, so we might be forgiven for arguing that resurrection is the most important theme in the Bible—at least practically for us.  That is how this fifth chapter of my book Raised With Christ ends, I hope you will join me as I build towards that conclusion this Easter Sunday. For I... Read more

March 30, 2024

Our post Covid compassionless godless society just gets worse and worse.  In yesterdays London Times, respected columnist Matthew Parry argued that sick and disabled people ought to be encouraged to relieve the financial burden they pose to society and opt to be put down like you would a pet.  If we do not continue to prohibit assisted dying then people like me will feel obligued to have themselves killed to save society money and a burden.  Yes I cost the... Read more

March 29, 2024

Even on Good Friday, when we remember the death of Jesus we must also remind ourselves that he rose again. Why do Christians today emphasise the cross and neglect the resurrection? Read more

March 28, 2024

For the next three days Logos Bible Software are offering up to 60% off commentary sets in a special March sale to readers of this blog. Just in case you haven’t heard of Logos, here is my official endorsement:  For many years now—if I want to check out the meaning of a Bible passage, do a word study, or check out the latest Christian thinking on any subject—I almost always turn to Logos.  I think of it as my full-time... Read more

March 27, 2024

The most important question we will ever ask is "Did Jesus really rise from the dead?" The church did not create the resurrection stories; instead the resurrection stories created the church. Read more

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