March 19, 2024

    To some he is the gentle humble one. To others he the mighty King who will ride on a horse to war as he returns to rule. Does your mental image of Jesus lean only one way or the other?  What kind of Jesus are you praying to? Sometimes we remake Jesus in our own image.  But if we want Jesus to save us, we must make sure we are coming to the REAL Jesus, not someone we... Read more

March 15, 2024

How attached are you to what your church teaches you? Many Christians are committed to doctrinal statements, the teachings of their denomination, and even the practices that they have inherited from the past.  What can sometimes be forgotten is that most of those traditions if you are in an evangelical church were forged out of a desire to be Biblical and reformed.  But Reformation is not a once for all thing.  Stott explains: “The hallmark of authentic evangelicalism is not... Read more

March 13, 2024

Have we seen enough of our Christian heroes fall spectacularly yet to stop putting our trust in humans? Christians will never be perfect in this life and we must stop encouraging the delusion that any of us have our lives all together. As we journey through lent, its a great time to remind ourselves of our vulnerability to sin. It’s time we stopped putting certain Christians on a pedestal.  I understand the desire to grow in Christ and become more... Read more

February 26, 2024

In Edward’s work on Revival he argues in a slightly odd way to to our ears about the move of the Holy Spirit.  He uses a double negative.  He says that it is NOT a sign that a work is NOT a work of God if there are great impressions made on people’s minds, imaginations or “frames“. He seems to be arguing something close to what the modern charismatics call a flawed non-perfect form of prophecy or other gifts of... Read more

February 25, 2024

We are saved By Grace THROUGH Faith Have you turned faith itself into a work? Keller turns to the word “frame” to explain a crucial point about how we must not trust in our own faith but rather in the object and producer  of that faith: Jesus. It’s tremendously dangerous for you to mistake these prepositions. When it says it’s by grace but through faith, the grace of God, the power of God, that’s what makes you a Christian. The... Read more

February 24, 2024

In God alone there truly is a sweet frame of mind to be found. Whilst such an experience is not always with us and we should not rely on it, it ought to be precious to deeply realise that God himself is your haven, your refuge, your saviour! And even being reminded of our own sin ought only to drive us deeper into our appreciation of what Jesus has done for us!  Bunyan explains, using the old meaning of the... Read more

February 23, 2024

I have been enjoying finding references to our frame of mind or heart from older writers and I will share a few with you here I think.  Today’s one shows us that whilst we must not trust our frame it is important to pursue as much as we can a true emotional and psychological grasp on the gospel.  If we do not we ourselves suffer but so will those we share Jesus with, whether that is informally or via preaching:... Read more

February 22, 2024

The old meaning of “frame” is a state of mind or emotions, the internal experience of our heart. It can be good or bad, sweet or unpleasant. What does the hymn mean by this: “I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name” This phrase is found in the old hymn My hope is build on nothing less and is also used in the modern Cornerstone–  by Hillsong. It is an archaic word that most people... Read more

February 19, 2024

In some churches sin is not given enough attention. In the type of church I have attended the sole contact we tend to have with lent is Shrove Tuesday!  Every year I have been alive we have made pancakes that day. I almost always forget the reason why, taking a break from any special religious festivals till Good Friday.  I don’t think I have ever even given something up for lent. And yet I do recognise the value to our... Read more

February 17, 2024

Instead of dismissing other kinds of church, learn from them. Does your church think it is perfect? If so RUN away from it as fast as possible. Too many churches think they have all the answers. They describe themselves as ‘bible believing’, and act as though people that agree with them on everything are the only authentic Christians. We come to a perfect God, reading a perfect Bible, but we remain imperfect people. As the old saying goes if you... Read more

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