October 9, 2013

Maybe young guys are leaving Christianity because they are longing for a kind of discipleship they see in the movies, but can’t find in the local church. Read more

October 7, 2013

  Fact: If you’re a guy in high school and attend church right now, chances are that in a year or two, you won’t. For some reason, church and youth group connects with high school-aged guys, but college guys drop out. The statistics are against you. Studies show that while as many as 80 percent of you attend church in your last years of high school, the number drops to 52 percent during your freshman year of college, and to... Read more

October 4, 2013

Better Dads and Vancouver Courageous Dad (CVD) partnered to host the 1st Annual Father-Daughter Conference this past weekend in Portland, OR.  This event was for girls age 12 and older and their fathers.  The program was based loosely on my book, That’s My Girl: How a Father’s Love Protects and Empowers His Daughter.  The purpose was to either bring dads and their daughters closer together or to heal broken relationships.  A total of six sessions were held both together and... Read more

October 2, 2013

Fathers often choose youth sports over church for a reason most Christians would applaud – they want to spend time with their families. Can we blame them? Read more

September 27, 2013

Perhaps no character trait embodies healthy masculinity more than that of honor (healthy honor—other cultures and religions have forms of honor that may not agree with our version of honor in the West). Honor is the soul of masculinity. It is a code that a man lives by that lifts him above mere mediocrity and survival. It enables him to use the incredible power that God has endowed him with to lift the lives of others beyond what they could... Read more

September 25, 2013

These stunning survey results give us a clue as to why Christianity is so rapidly changing into a family-centered faith; why Christian culture is feminizing; and why the gender gap in many denominations continues to grow. Read more

September 20, 2013

The need to take risks in order to feel alive, to do the impossible, to face one’s fears and not back down is present in the warrior heart of every boy and man. But too often our culture teaches boys that this drive is bad or unnatural. We punish boys for being too aggressive, too boisterous, and too loud. We medicate them in school when they exhibit normal behaviors that are biologically driven Too many young (and old) men today... Read more

September 18, 2013

Because of these frequent beat downs, some pastors develop a foxhole mentality. They avoid their people. They spend a lot of time in their study. They pack their schedules. They steer clear of their men. Read more

September 13, 2013

Fathers have an incredible influence (positive or negative) on nearly every aspect of their daughter’s life. A father sets a fundamental role model for his daughter regarding the qualities she looks for in a man and the standards she maintains in her relationships. He is the first man in her life and models how a man should treat a woman, how a man should act, and how a man shows healthy love and affection to a woman. He also sets... Read more

September 11, 2013

Getting more men to attend your church may be as simple as changing your music. Read more

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