April 7, 2016

  I can feel your disgust Palpable As your fingers slide down my Voluptuous curves You want the impossible Or at least the unrealistic But I will never let Your Photoshopped fantasy Make me ashamed Because I am a real woman Read more

March 30, 2016

I can’t even. That’s been my mantra the past few weeks and it’s not a good one. While I didn’t make it a formal New Year’s Resolution, I did decide to quit saying FML (or fuck my life, if you want the whole thing). I got to thinking that it wasn’t a productive, life enhancing thing to say. It wasn’t even really acknowledging any truth. It was just a random phrase from pop culture that I glommed onto, and it... Read more

March 7, 2016

There is an endless sighing, a swift intake of breath, a slow exhalation, a single beat of my heart… Watching you, I whisper your name. Gaze upon your beauty, engulfed by the flame of your desire. Long for you, feeling your love radiate… I do not, cannot, dare not look away. I cannot approach on my own, but you have drawn me ever nearer. Your wordless look has captured me, enraptured me. Moments apart from the ordinary, a part of... Read more

February 16, 2016

The lumpy couch and too-thin blanket may be no match for my ardor, for it still threatens, as embers do, to burst forth into a concupiscent conflagration at the slightest whispering breath from your lips. The pin-prick of light shines from within me, across the distance like some unnamed star, continually on progress through the skies. Here. There. Now within your orbit, now winking out of your sight, out of your mind. World that I were a sun and not... Read more

February 2, 2016

Last week, I had what was maybe one of the best dreams I’ve ever had. I can’t tell you how empowering and affirming it was. ***** I was walking along a lovely country lane in early spring companionably arm in arm with Joan of Arc. We met up with other groups of young women, and Joan would always ask them, “Have you met my sister, Cynthia?” They were all very happy to meet me, and we all continued walking together... Read more

December 24, 2015

A very Merry Christmas to all of you! ***** Image credit: http://lds.net/blog/faith/defending-the-faith/did-lehis-vision-of-the-tree-of-life-come-from-joseph-smiths-father/ Read more

December 1, 2015

Advent is hitting me hard this year. God is calling me deeper. There’s a hymn entitled “There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy,” but for me, there’s a deepness. I’m through with the shallow stuff. God is giving me many graces now, and I do not deserve them. Perhaps it is God’s way of redeeming the years that the locusts of depression devoured. I don’t know. I can only say, with a heart filled with love overflowing, “Thank you.” I am... Read more

October 14, 2015

Okay, I think I’ve really latched on to something here. It always surprises me when I discover something that is so absolutely, face-palmingly obvious that I simply cannot believe that I didn’t realize it sooner. Yet, it routinely happens. via GIPHY I had been hemming and hawing about going out of town to an event that seemed a complete no-brainer in terms of potential fun. It was clearly a case of my brain falling into the trap of what I... Read more

September 9, 2015

God, I want the rest of today to be a good day. I want to accomplish all the things that I need to do, because I’m leaving on Friday, and won’t be home for two weeks. I have a hundred things to do, and I can’t even begin to remember them all (let alone do them) without Your help. Help me. Bring to my mind all the necessary tasks, so that I don’t become distracted with the unnecessary chatter of... Read more

September 4, 2015

I was so angry. So confused. I didn’t even go in the Adoration Chapel, because I didn’t want to disturb the others praying in silence. This was between me and God. “Why? Why are You doing this to me? Why are You making my life so miserable? Why, just when I can smell the good thing in front of me, You whisk it away? Isn’t my life bad enough? Isn’t the bi-polar enough? The depression? Isn’t the anxiety enough? Isn’t... Read more

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