April 1, 2018

Why must Hellenism conform to so-called ancient “standards” (set by the classicists) in order to be valid, when contemporary practices do exist in the ancient record? Read more

March 26, 2018

As the old saying that goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun…or not”. Since Hekate came into my life a year ago… with a bang… I can say I have experienced both. Read more

March 20, 2018

It takes courage to brave the dying light of sunset and risk giving one’s self over to the aos sí in the darkness, but it also takes courage to step back out into the light again afterwards and move forward into a life that will never entirely belong to you again. Read more

March 19, 2018

Animals have not forgotten the geography of the real. They know things that we either can’t remember or force ourselves to forget. Eat when you’re hungry. Sleep when you’re tired. Have sex when you can. Fight when you must. Read more

March 16, 2018

Together as a whole we can become something stronger and something greater. Read more

March 15, 2018

I've stood at the powerful center of the crossroads. My past was down one path, and my future another. I realized I had to explore the past to move on towards the future. Read more

March 8, 2018

What we need most is often the exact same thing that is hardest for us to learn. It’s easy to spend our lives seeing the world in simple terms. Yet there is always some deeper, half-forgotten part of ourselves that calls us to be more. Read more

March 7, 2018

Sometimes we take a road to a pre-determined destination, and sometimes we get a surprise. Read more

March 7, 2018

Not every change is a Tower-level cataclysm. Not every Becoming is the result of an epiphany. Read more

March 4, 2018

'Dead, mad, or a poet' is a phrase we hear sometimes in various branches of Celtic-inspired paganism. Having heard it repeatedly I began to wonder where exactly the phrase came from and how it related to folk belief, and this led me on a quest to see if I could find out. Read more

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