September 27, 2016

Many sacred spaces are seriously threatened and under attack right now, and I don't just mean by a few well meaning though perhaps overzealous pagans with western, first-world ideas of borrowed spirituality. Read more

September 26, 2016

A witch learns through the practice of magic, a confidence that their fate is in their own hands. Of course, you have to work with what you have be it your background, culture, social class, etc, but a witch builds their self knowledge and power to make the most of things. Read more

September 25, 2016

The truth for me personally is that I do not feel any overwhelming desire or spiritual calling to visit some of the better known indigenous or aboriginal sacred sites. This is most likely because the other sites are simply not my gods nor my places. Read more

September 24, 2016

Daytime dreams can be just as potent as nighttime dreams in revealing the soul-sourced roots and transformative potential of your life experiences. Here are four ways to detect your daytime dreams. Read more

September 23, 2016

The recent discussions around definition and limitations in Heathenry got me thinking about my own version of Heathenry. Last fall I wrote about why I love Heathenry and what is the heart of Heathenry. So, let me wrap it up and tell you a bit about what is my Heathenry. Read more

September 22, 2016

By now, many of us have read the story of the arrest of Ender Darling, for selling bones online, obtained from Holt Cemetery. The Wild Hunt also covered the news, offered a timeline to events leading up to her arrest. I wanted insight into the magic that was abused. I wanted to go to the source. Read more

September 21, 2016

There was a discussion about John Halstead’s article, Gods Save Us from Bad Pagan Rituals: 10 Signs You’re Half-Assing Your Mabon Ritual, in my local community and it reminded me of a quote from Isaac Bonewits: "Sincerity does not equal competence." Read more

September 20, 2016

We each fashion our own language out of symbols and objects which speaks as loudly as our voices, both to ourselves and to the Gods and spirits, and there is real beauty in that. Read more

September 19, 2016

There have been a rash of more or less scholarly books about the origins of modern witchcraft, Wicca, etc., in recent years, most of them focusing on old gossip about the founders of various modern Traditions. For the Love of the Gods is nothing like these. Read more

September 18, 2016

Rarely do we openly talk about power and exclusion, but we need to start having real conversations. As an occultist, I can tell you that I personally do not always feel welcome at all pagan events. Read more

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