September 17, 2016

In the Fall season, the hera’s journey provides invaluable teachings that can help you navigate the deepest roots of your journey of soul, and source the primal, transformative powers of the sacred dark. Read more

September 16, 2016

The judgement of who does or does not have the right to visit the sacred places of other cultures for purposes of seeking spiritual enlightenment, or any purpose at all for that matter, seems to be something of a hot button topic in current neopagan discourse. Read more

September 15, 2016

Many Heathens awoke on the morning of September 2nd to the news that the Asatru Folk Assembly's "Midwest Fallfest" had been kicked out of the camp that they had booked for the event just days before the event was due to take place. Read more

September 14, 2016

Exactly a week ago the world of Tarot lost a grand magus and man of cards, legendary collector and historian, K. Frank Jensen. His legendary status can be traced in all the most important reference books, from Michael Dummett to Stuart Kaplan. Read more

September 13, 2016

In his essay "Base Materialism and Gnosticism," French philosopher Georges Bataille extols the potential value of a kind of Averse Gnosticism -- a Gnosticism in which the demiurge of the material world, considered by the ancient Gnostics to be the "chief guard" of the prison of matter, and therefore a malevolent being, is in fact the object of worship and devotion. Read more

September 12, 2016

There is a place and time that witches fly their souls to where they do all the things they love best. It is a sort of heaven if you will. In this place the witches from past present and future dance, chant, feast, make love and merry with their brethren human, fairy, animal, and plant. Read more

September 11, 2016

As autumn approaches I am increasingly aware of relationships that are functioning well, those that need new tools, those that need a complete overhaul, and those that may not survive the winter. Read more

September 10, 2016

At the Fall Equinox, Persephone awaits you at the opening to the Underworld, offering up Her mysteries of the sacred darkness that beckon you to a new cycle of healing and growth. Read more

September 9, 2016

I’ve been Heathen since 1999. In that time, I’ve been to a lot of Heathen events. I’ve followed and participated in a lot of email threads and blogs. I’ve watched as the endless “Who can be Heathen?” discussion went around. I’m tired of it. You may be, too. Or you may not have strong opinions either way, because hey, it doesn’t affect you directly. Or does it? Read more

September 8, 2016

The sun sets earlier now. We start to hear the rustle of tree tops, reminding us they’re here. Yes, the Dark Ones are a presence not felt since last Winter. They are back. That blessed cool darkness. The woods a deeper dark. The Watchers of the cold months are beckoning. Take notice. Read more

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