June 20, 2016

Typically I don't offer single-gender only rituals or workshops. I'm a cisgender female, so to be specific, I mean rituals/workshops/groups limited to women only. There are times, however, when I make an exception to that, usually when I'm asked to lead a women's ritual when I'm a guest presenter at a Pagan festival. And there begins my tightrope walk with my own ethics. Read more

June 19, 2016

Onstantly in my interactions with students and customers is the notion that the magic “just works”. At least that’s the expectation. Leviosa, right? Read more

June 18, 2016

At the Summer Solstice with the powers of life and light at a peak, Nature offers three simple, life-centered lessons that can change your life and vision a new, better world. Read more

June 17, 2016

In this column, I have previously discussed my initial surprising forays into the world of simulated or virtual reality. Unlike most participants who travel into the digitally altered universe of realities, I arrived as an adult and I was there for work. Read more

June 16, 2016

Litha or Midsummer, a time of bonfires, mugwort, mythical beings, nights and days of mischief and love. The veil is thin. The Celts, the Norse and the Slavs believed that there were three 'spirit nights' in the year when magic ran amok and the Otherworld was near. The first was Halloween, the second was May Eve and the third was Midsummer Eve. All sorts of enchantments are in the air now and Spirits and Fairies abound. What follows here are some of them. These are not your good fairies but tricksters and darker spirits. Read more

June 15, 2016

Though I am far away from Orlando, though I know none of those poor people, I am changed. Having gone through various initiations and oaths, having crossed the threshold of parenthood and felt the weight of the clergy stole upon my shoulders, I can recognize these things now. I feel the journey before me. I see it for many of us. Read more

June 14, 2016

With a prayer and sound advise, Crabtree explores how to talk to children about the issues around the Orlando Mass Shooting and general safety during a mass shooting. Read more

June 13, 2016

There are so many kinds of spiritual events, but perhaps none so sublime as the retreat. I attend quite a few events throughout the year: pagan pride, conventions and conferences. Retreats are my favorite and Viridis Genii in Damascus, Oregon is particularly special. Read more

June 12, 2016

Most of America woke up to some pretty disturbing news this morning. At 2 am. a shooter opened fire inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando Florida. In what has become the largest mass shooting in American history, over fifty people were killed with fifty more injured and receiving medical attention. I would love to think maybe THIS TIME America will wake up and realize it has a problem, but alas, people have already found another angle to take that arcs... Read more

June 12, 2016

We have all known difficult people. Whether they are manipulative, disrespectful of boundaries, toxic or whatever the case may be, our lives improve when we sever our connection with them. Disconnecting is a nuanced and multifaceted process and metaphysical links have to be identified and severed as well. Read more

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