September 13, 2015

September 13th at 2:41 am EDST we welcomed September’s New Moon.  This New Moon is also combined with a SOLAR ECLIPSE, which makes it an extra-powerful wishing  Moon.  Visiting the sign of VIRGO, this moon is especially helpful for long term goals connected to pragmatic and practical thinking, such as career, money, improving relationships, and helping/starting a charity. Since this moon is in Virgo, you may feel frustrated, stressed and second guessing yourself today, but you must push that aside.... Read more

September 8, 2015

“They think that you’re too boring.”   “How do I even respond to that?” I thought, listening to feedback from a national network who was contemplating picking me up for a television series. Several years ago I would’ve been upset, been defensive and probably festered about it for weeks. Instead I laughed and replied with an authentic ‘thank you’. Not because I was happy they found me boring, but because I was comfortable with how I presented myself to them. It was... Read more

August 31, 2015

The inspiration you seek is already within you.  Be silent and listen.  –Rumi Sunday evening it was announced that Dr. Wayne Dyer passed away. Many years ago I was able to talk to Wayne Dyer about his work and my own. His words were comforting, loving and sensitive. Last night I had a dream that Maya Angelou and Dr. Dyer were sitting at a table together in deep conversation. Right before I woke up I heard – “They all still need us to show them they have... Read more

August 29, 2015

Below are 6 cards from Steven Farmer’s EARTH MAGIC Oracle Deck. The backs are all the same, but by using your intuition choose one of the cards that calls out most to you. This is what you will need to work on during this FULL MOON phase. Take a deep breathe in and out. Don’t second guess yourself – just choose. By trusting your own intuition, taking the advice, and following through on the actions you will be amazed by your... Read more

August 27, 2015

Over the last few days I’ve received several messages crying out for help. So many have been struggling – feeling depressed, overwhelmed, anxious, physically achy, heightened psychic moments and nightmares, and sleep issues. I recently posted this to my Facebook as it may explain the issues from an astrological place – Energy Alert – Buckle up, the next few days will be a bumpy ride; an upcoming full moon, Venus in retrograde and Mercury about to take a vacation…here we go! The... Read more

August 24, 2015

It’s so hard when we lose a loved one. Death was in my life since I was three years of age, but it wasn’t until my grandpa passed when I was eight years old that the death felt final. Until he saved my life from heaven and the other side and it didn’t feel quite so far away. When my mom passed away, almost 10 years ago now, I felt like that I was three year old all over again... Read more

August 24, 2015

For the last few weeks I have been unable to shake this deep seeded sadness. At first I thought it was my son leaving for college. Not that it isn’t a contributing factor, as it could certainly be assisting in the lingering, but on my way home from a quick weekend adventure I allowed my mind to wander to different points of time that I felt this same depression and it all made sense. I have Post-Book Depression. Sort of like Postpartum... Read more

August 20, 2015

You would think this would be simple for me. I helped move my step-daughter Cora to Eastern Michigan eight years ago, and then my step-daughter Molly to Michigan State University two years later and my daughter Micaela to Wayne State University in 2012. Now on August 30th I will move our final child, and only son Connor, to Michigan State University and officially become an empty nester. And I’m not doing well. I’ve been the one crying in the school... Read more

August 11, 2015

When you find people who not only tolerate your quirks but celebrate them with cries of “Me too!” be sure to cherish them because those weirdos are your tribe. Sitting in my hotel room, looking over Mackinaw, and listening to the waves soothingly spray against the sandy beach, I allowed my mind to settle with thoughts of the recent weekend. This weekend Chuck and I traveled to Sault Ste Marie (the SOO), Michigan for the 6th Annual Michigan Paranormal Conference. Last year... Read more

August 5, 2015

Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice. —Bob Goff The power of a word (just ONE word) is incredible. In today’s world where we have the tools to express ourselves in so many different forums, our words can be inspirational or hurtful. They reach a broad audience and spread messages of peace, and sometimes hate. We can support someone from across the world, or tear down a complete stranger in the matter of a moment. Last... Read more

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