April 16, 2013

Myths inform my life, and they inform me of the gods, but my life doesn't have to be huge and mythic to be breathtaking. Read more

April 15, 2013

Thoughts on on "The Marriage of Paneros," an epic poem dealing with trans- and metagendered deities by P. Sufenas Virius Lupus. Read more

April 14, 2013

I'd be lost navigating those mythic waters if it weren't for my experiences here, in the more fleshy realms. Though, too, if it were not for the myths, I would be lost in this physical world. Read more

April 12, 2013

Today, though, I'll just be linking everywhere and more. Read more

April 10, 2013

These adorations are for a Greater Spirit - Althea Altair. Read more

April 9, 2013

I decided to pursue another avenue of sharing my love for the gods, and I have been meaning to make adorations for a while; no time like the present, after all. Read more

April 7, 2013

I find myself at an interesting crossroads concerning the issue of meaning, as well as the meaning of love in the mythologies I'm writing. Read more

April 6, 2013

I want to go farther, I want to fly into the unknown, and I want to come back panting and laughing and full of joy and sorrow and possibility. Read more

April 5, 2013

Colors are a large part of my journey work. I always try to break down the colors I see, try to understand, try to grasp the nuances of why. Why do gold threads appear when I go to the Firebird? Why do diamonds and blue-white ice appear when I pray to the Dierne? Why is it that black appears for each of the Four Gods? Read more

April 4, 2013

I don't have a problem with curses. Maybe it's because I don't do magic. It's probably more that I don't go with the idea that there are inherent laws or ethics to magic, or that a curse will turn back on its caster. Read more

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