I don’t think we can be endlessly compassionate and forgiving the face of great harm. I think we must strive to do what is ethically and morally right even when it hurts, either us or another. Read more
I don’t think we can be endlessly compassionate and forgiving the face of great harm. I think we must strive to do what is ethically and morally right even when it hurts, either us or another. Read more
Though I haven't taken it yet, I’ve been mulling over the vow as I go about my daily life. A large part is checking in with myself, “Am I upholding these vows?” Which is the point of the vow, isn’t it? Read more
If you like folk horror, if you’re into the Weird, if you’re a spooky Pagan or witch? You should absolutely snag a copy. Read more
I think it absolutely makes sense to be frustrated that actual books - whether ghostwritten or not - are being overwhelmed by, essentially if not actually, spam. Read more
Should we be ashamed to be nerds? Should we separate our fan interests from our religion, never the twain should meet? Read more
Breath is the foundation for many religious and magical practices. We settle our breathing when we sit before our altar. We deepen and change our breathing to enter into altered states. Breath is the beginning and the end. So, how do we develop breathing as part of our religious practice? Read more
Spontaneity and authenticity aren’t opposites. We can devise our own rituals and prayers to use and reuse. Nor does using someone else’s prayers stop us from being heartfelt when we say them. But I would say the Imbolc ritual I’m practicing is much more from ‘the head’ than ‘the heart’. Read more
Hello, friends. I have some thoughts on the Latest Hubbub within Paganism/witchcraft – the awful Independent article specifically. (I have tried writing and rewriting this piece without dating it so many times, and each time I end up burning out. Please forgive me, Jason!) I had actually decided I didn’t have much to contribute when I saw Lisa Wagoner’s post on the judgementalism of Paganism. Perhaps interestingly, I agree a fair bit with Wagoner’s article…but I also disagree. There were... Read more
When it comes to our wide and wonderful and woefully fractious communities, there will be groups we just don’t belong in. But what about ‘pan-Pagan’ groups? Where do we fit? Some groups I’ve been in have been actually open and welcoming. Others? I’ve been screamed at and threatened. Read more
My family visited over this past holiday. They’ve headed back home, and already I ache in missing them. But it is nice to return to routine and the quietness of the house, now only occupied by my partner and I (and our cat). The holidays have passed and time has returned to normal. So, how do we recover from the winter holiday season? Read more