Empower Women’s Conference, Coming To A City Near You

Empower Women’s Conference, Coming To A City Near You February 4, 2022

Phoenix, AZ – There is an exciting new conference for Christian women that is promoting itself as the end-all-be-all when it comes to women’s issues. Led by a group of white male pastors, this conference boasts a who’s who in Church leadership: John Franklin, Billy Driscoll, Mark Savage, Joel Platt, David Camping, Francis Bell, and Robert MacArthur.

We caught up with the wife of one of the organizers, Becky Whiteman, who was glowing with anticipation: “To have so many men of God telling me what God has planned for my life . . . that’s a dream come true. I’m totally, like, hashtag blessed to be within an hour and a half drive away from such an exciting weekend. It’s just so amazing to have a husband who will babysit the kids for 2 days. I just hope he doesn’t have a mental breakdown!”

The website, www.forwomenbymen.org, just launched, and if first impressions mean anything, this is going to be a gamechanger for the Church. Topics like, “Why Women Should Follow,” “Sitting Down Faithfully,” and “Baking and Bible Studies: How Women Can Bless The Fold” all stand out as seminars no one is going to want to miss.

Of course, because this is a conference led by men, some have spoken out against the event. To address this, Pastor Rick Swindoll sent out this brief yet powerful Tweet:

We have heard the complaints and stand by our lineup. The Word of God is clear, and we aren’t going to back down to modern understandings of equality. A woman has her place, and it is alongside her man. #Empowerconference #1timothy2

For those interested, the conference is offering an early bird special. $299 gets you backstage passes for 2 days, a free special edition women’s Bible, and a pink “Let’s Go Brandon” women’s trucker hat. Cities on the tour include Phoenix, Albuquerque, Las Vegas, Dallas, Orlando, Des Moines, and Boise. Specific dates to follow.

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About Matthew J. Distefano
Matthew J. Distefano is an author, blogger, podcaster, and social worker. He lives in Northern California with his wife and daughter You can read more about the author here.

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