I’m Back…

I’m Back… May 1, 2013

Well, it’s May. And in case you missed my last post – or, actually the one before that – I spent (nearly) all of April away from social media, including this blog.

I can’t say it was a life-changing experience, except that when I logged in to facebook today, my reaction was more of an “ugh…” than anything else. A few missed birthdays, some missed ‘exciting news’, and lots of links to cute stupid things (I found that these managed to occupy the majority of my time and attention until, after about 10 minutes, I closed the page).

I did manage to read a lot and settle further into the fact that I must begin writing (the thesis, that is) as if my head were on fire. So that I shall do, along with plenty of posts here and there. You can expect more announcements, blurbs, etc and fewer short essays. I’ll try to supplement that with more good guest posts.

In the meantime, as it is International Workers’ Day today, you might enjoy reading a recent post I wrote about Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Workers Movement.

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