American Pastors that Masquerade as Angels of Light…

American Pastors that Masquerade as Angels of Light… January 26, 2018

Saying you’re not an evangelical does not mean you’re not an evangelical (that was a lot of negatives, either way)…


For instance, I can say that I’m a professional outfielder starting for the New York Yankees… but, it doesn’t mean that I actually am.

Politicians have begun to deny this label. Simply, because of the negative weight, it carries. In fact, if you don’t believe me, then, here’s the research, literally titled, “Many Who Call Themselves Evangelical Don’t Actually Hold Evangelical Beliefs.”

Similar to Christianity, many politicians or political movements bank themselves on the foundation of psychological manipulation.

In 2018, it’s almost as if pastors have become more reflective of the life of an American politician than a life of a follower of Jesus’.

We’ve begun to operate within this political framework, instead of stepping outside of it and operating within a wholly other mindset.

We’re not preaching the gospel we’re pushing an agenda. We’re not connecting with people, we’re treating them as pawns.

In fact, research has shown, the problem with our children not understanding the gospel is not our words:

“What if the blase religiosity of most American Teenagers is not the result of poor communication but the result of excellent communication of a watered-down gospel so devoid of God’s self-giving love in Jesus Christ, so immune to the sending love of the Holy Spirit that it might not be Christianity at all?” – Kenda Creasy Dean

The answers to these questions might lead one to more easily and/or readily understand what I mean when I say many evangelical pastors are masquerading as if they’re “angels of light.”

Okay, so what now…?

We keep loving our neighbors. Yes, even if they’re our enemies masquerading as if they’re our true friends. I won’t drop the clichè “love wins.” But I will say that love does bring light. And light tends to bring life.

We never want to ignore the new chesty of acknowledging it’s getting darker; otherwise, it could get too dark and without forward-preparation, you can find yourself lost for an unnecessarily elongated period of time.

It’s easy to get lost in the dark and sometimes; especially when we’re afraid of the dark we don’t stop and think about the obvious: Light conquers darkness.

Many of us, have lived in this dark abyss we might have become numb, comfortable, or far too “at home” to know a better life is just beneath our nose.

Have you become too comfortable living in darkness (isolation, rage, indifference, toxic relationships, etc.)? I’ma keep sayin’ it until we internalize and actualize it:

“It is better to light a candle than it is to curse the darkness…”

[Until next time hit me up on Facebook to follow along with other and similar content.]

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