Three Fundamental Reasons Extracanonical Writings Are Deemed Insignificant…

Three Fundamental Reasons Extracanonical Writings Are Deemed Insignificant… June 25, 2018

“Until the Lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter…”

If we’re being honest, most of us don’t know too much in regard to why certain writings or manuscripts have been accepted while others have been rejected.

We normally have just gone about, for one reason or another, in blind trust; indoctrinated from a young age with repetitive songs including chorus’ telling us to believe how much “Yes, Jesus loves us… because the Bible tells me so.”

It’s not wrong; it’s just something I feel we should examine more often…

So, here’s my question today…

First, lets quickly define few terms: “non-canonical,” “extracanonical,” and just plain ole “canonical”

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