October 7, 2013

Pretty much any movement can learn a lot from the Civil Rights movement. This past weekend, a group of women associated with Ordain Women lined up peacefully and asked to be admitted to the all-male Priesthood Session of the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As the Church had previously announced, the women were denied admittance to the meeting. A friend involved with the effort on Saturday referred to the event as her Selma. Selma,... Read more

October 6, 2013

This morning, President Thomas S. Monson spoke about his wife Sister Frances Monson. She passed away shortly after the last General Conference. I want to dedicate this thread to her and Pres. Monson. Please join us in the comments! All are welcome. I would invite you to register with Disqus. Otherwise, it will have to approve each individual comment…and that can be tedious for everyone. Elder Quentin L. Cook: Spiritual Bondage and subjection Ideological or political beliefs inconsistent with Church... Read more

October 6, 2013

A lot of chatter and memes going around which are doing a disservice to this address. Take a look for yourself: Even if you have watched it live, there is a lot here. Please share. Read more

October 6, 2013

I really enjoyed yesterday’s sessions. Please join me in the comments! All are welcome. I would invite you to register with Disqus. Otherwise, it will have to approve each individual comment…and that can be tedious for everyone. Again, I am being joined by my former student Blake. Blake is a Yankees fan, recent law grad, from Idaho, and currently a Gospel Doctrine teacher. I very much enjoyed chatting with him yesterday. President Eyring: There is but one plan of happiness.... Read more

October 5, 2013

I really enjoyed today’s earlier sessions. Tonight’s priesthood session is the first priesthood session that has been widely broadcast. Tonight, one can watch from church or on BYU-TV or online…live. I am hoping to hear from those who are watching from home. I would particularly love to hear what any women watching think (or what do the women watching with you) think about the session. Please join me in the comments! All are welcome. I would invite you to register... Read more

October 5, 2013

(UPDATE: Due to technical delays at the start of the conference, I will not be posting my notes. However, I will open the post for comments) I really enjoyed this morning’s session, especially the talks by Elder Dube and Pres. Uchtdorf. We re-fueled on some In N Out Burger between sessions and we are ready to go! I will be updating my notes here in the body of the post and adding comments below as well. Please join me in... Read more

October 5, 2013

Watch Conference here online or on BYU-TV. I would invite you to register with Disqus. Otherwise, it will have to approve each individual comment…and that can be tedious for everyone. This is our first General Conference since moving to Las Vegas. We are not used to tuning in at 9 a.m. President Eyring is conducting. President Monson is starting us off with Elder Hales on deck. President Monson stated that the LDS Church now has more than 15 million members.... Read more

October 4, 2013

Live from…living rooms and family rooms all over the world, we will have an open-thread here at Approaching Justice for each of the five sessions of this General Conference. We have changed the comment format at Patheos since I did this last General Conference. I would invite you to register with Disqus. Otherwise, it will have to approve each individual comment…and that can be tedious for everyone. The Disqus format places the most recent comment at the top of the... Read more

October 4, 2013

No, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not even close to ordaining women to the priesthood. However, Ordain Women has succeeded in putting the issue of female ordination at the center of public dialogue. In this sense, the Church publicly rejecting Ordain Women’s request for tickets to attend tomorrow night’s Priesthood session of General Conference was far more valuable to the cause than anything that will actually happen in Salt Lake City this upcoming weekend. Heck, reactionary... Read more

October 3, 2013

A year ago, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints changed the minimum age for missionary serve from 19 to 18 for young men and from 21 to 19 for young women. Today, the LDS Church released the following video which looks at the impact of that change. The video is primarily an interview with Elder David F. Evans, executive director of the Church’s Missionary Department. Take a look: Here is a full transcript: Q: What has the response... Read more

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