December 13, 2016

I was watching a movie recently that featured a married couple in their thirties.  The couple seemed to be doing well from an outsider's perspective--they had good jobs, kids who loved them, and a beautiful house on a tree-lined street. ... Read more

November 30, 2016

When our kids our born, we feel a strong connection to them almost instantly.  But, this connection can suffer a bit as our children get older and struggle to understand their role in the family, their gifts and talents, and their overall purpose.  Sometimes, our kiddos can be tough nuts to crack–and this can drive us nuts in the process.  So, what’s a parent to do? (more…) Read more

November 30, 2016

Cultivating a strong marriage takes work.  We can't get on auto-pilot and expect things to turn out well.  We must keep pursuing one another, but sometimes we lose sight of how to do this in the chaos of life. My... Read more

November 27, 2016

I heard a great podcast about bullying recently, and it talked a lot about the infamous “mean girls” in schools today.  It’s a huge issue, yet sometimes it’s hard to see the signs before it’s too late.  So, what’s a mom to do? (more…) Read more

November 21, 2016

Our relationship with our parents is extremely important, and we need to show them tremendous love and respect. However, when we marry, our relationship with our parents cannot remain the same as it was when we were under their roof... Read more

November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving is in three days! Can you believe it? The turkey, the sides, the football, the parades, the hours with those you love--Thanksgiving is an amazing holiday full of love and traditions.  Even so, why not take things up a... Read more

November 17, 2016

Gratitude is vital in marriage.  Yet, many of us assume that our spouse knows that we are thankful for him/her and what he/she does for us.  But, assumptions lead to frustration and misunderstanding.  So, it’s extremely important that we show our spouse how thankful we are for him/her regularly and often.  Here are 5 practical ways to show your spouse how thankful you are for him/her. (more…) Read more

November 13, 2016

It's great to have things to look forward to in our marriage.  But, there are a five common scenarios in which waiting for these is actually detrimental to our marriage.  Waiting to work on your marriage until the kids are... Read more

November 10, 2016

In light of all the negativity and outrage surrounding this presidential campaign and election, I love what my friend Jacqueline had to say.  I hope you do too! (more…) Read more

November 7, 2016

Are you a "people-pleaser"?  If you're not quite sure, then check out this list (and tips on how to overcome this struggle) from my friend Rebekah Perryman at Lane of Roses.  It's pretty eye-opening. Do you feel the need to make... Read more

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