Friends, I am so excited to finally share with you my latest devotional, Find Joy: A Devotional Journey to Unshakable Wonder in an Uncertain World. Isn’t the cover simply gorgeous? The designer did such an amazing job. The artwork inside is just as inspiring. And the 60 daily devotions are sure to encourage you—and take you on an important journey.
Little did I know as I was writing this devotional in 2019 just how different 2020 would be. And how much we would need this guide. When the pandemic hit, life changed. When my dear friend and colleague, Naomi, unexpectedly passed away, life changed. As we spent our summer socially distanced, life changed. As work, school, and church became more virtual than in-person, life changed.
But here’s the great news—
When Jesus was born into our messy, broken world, His arrival was announced by angels who cried, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy” (Luke 2:10 ESV). You know that sense of deep heavenly wonder that we tend to feel at Christmas time? That deep, abiding joy? Well, it isn’t just for Christmas time! The arrival of Jesus changed everything; it means that that wonder is what we are supposed to live in all year round!
Yes, all sorts of things can come at us, and it is so easy to feel discontent or deep worry about relationships, illnesses, financial trials—even (dare I say it) politics. Yet Jesus came so that we can find true, deep, eternally-focused joy no matter our circumstances. That can be our reality! It’s time to learn how!
Friends, won’t you join me on this journey? I hope this devotional will be as meaningful to you as it was for me as I wrote it. As a special gift to you, I’ll be sharing excerpts over the next few weeks—so stay tuned!
Let’s receive His joy and pass it on—and if you would like to share joy with someone, please forward this announcement to them!
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And check out her latest book (co-authored with her husband, Jeff), Thriving in Love and Money. Because you need a better relationship, not just a better budget.
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