I Wish You Could Hear This

I Wish You Could Hear This January 16, 2025

I’ve been keeping a secret from you. If you caught last week’s blog (the top 10 most popular blog posts from 2024) you saw that I teased a big announcement at the end of the blog. It’s been in the works for a little while and it’s been a dream for Jeff and me for even longer. 

 It’s a … puppy! (Insert an eyeroll from my entire dog-owning ministry team, which KNOWS I am a cat person.)  

 No, it’s a podcast! 

I Wish You Could Hear This is the culmination of twenty years of Jeff and I looking at each other saying “I wish people could hear this,” following our interviews or research surveys with more than 40,000 people. 

 Now you can!   


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