This One Secret Is A Game-Changer For Any Relationship

This One Secret Is A Game-Changer For Any Relationship November 16, 2021

Understanding Our Spouse Doesn’t Necessarily Mean Seeing Things Their Way

Jeff put it this way:

I started thinking about how the Bible tells husbands to live “in understanding” with their wives—and I assume it applies equally with wives to their husbands.

I have always thought of “understanding” as meaning, “I get how this makes you feel” or “I can now see it entirely as you are seeing it.” I wonder if we might have that wrong. Perhaps it is something like, “I still can’t see what you are seeing, but I trust that you are seeing it that way and I love you.”

It’s like with the Yanny/Laurel phenomenon. My brain simply won’t allow me to hear Laurel. As much as I try, I can’t hear it. And you can’t do otherwise. I can never hear what you hear.

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