This One Secret Is A Game-Changer For Any Relationship

This One Secret Is A Game-Changer For Any Relationship November 16, 2021

Accept That Your Spouse Thinks And Feels As They Do

Jeff continued:

I think this has a profound impact on men and women. Our research and books help people comprehend what the other person is seeing/hearing. The problem is that I think for many of us, we secretly or subconsciously believe that with this information—or with just a bit more education or teaching—the other person will see/hear things just as we do. It is a great thing to keep learning about one another. We have to do that. But at the same time, perhaps we need to acknowledge that we may never gain the ability to truly see things just as another person does. At least in some areas.

Rather, we just have to accept and trust that they are legitimately feeling that way. And instead of continually being dissatisfied as we try to educate or convince them into thinking another way, we just have to love them.

It’s Love One Another, Not Understand One Another

Then Jeff shared:

Like with you and me. If I’m honest with myself, I am probably thinking that my way of thinking is correct, and that you just aren’t able to think as clearly or as rationally as me! It’s probably why we try so hard to explain things to another person with whom we disagree: so they will be able to see just what we are seeing—and then realize that we are right!

Maybe that is why Jesus said we were to “Love One Another” rather than “Understand One Another.”

If that is the case, then yes, we can and should try to understand one another… but we won’t always see things the same as they do. Then the only solution is to Love One Another.

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