Want A New Year’s Resolution That Will Actually Make a Real Difference?

Want A New Year’s Resolution That Will Actually Make a Real Difference? January 4, 2022

Happy New Year, friends! Or is it actually more like, “Can we just have a Happy New Year already?!” The last few years have left most of us feeling as if we can barely keep our heads above water. We’ve hardly processed 2020, let alone 2021, and now we’re in a brand-spanking-new 2022 and we’re still dealing with, well, EVERYTHING. We’re on our umpteenth COVID variant, we’re still arguing about politics . . . and it’s time for our annual resolutions, diet and exercise promises, and career and family goals!

(Let’s take a moment to collectively take a big, BIG breath.)

All joking aside, there’s something helpful about New Year’s and the chance to evaluate what has worked well in the past, what hasn’t, and what I’d like to do in the future. And one of those things is always, “How can I love others better this year?” I know I’m not alone in that desire—especially given that Jesus Himself called us to love others how He loves us. And wow, does He love extravagantly . . . including, might I add, even those who are a tad difficult?

I have a feeling 2022 could use a lot more of that.

So what’s a New Year’s resolution that might make a real difference in making 2022 a better year than the last? Well, it has to do with our reactions when things don’t exactly go our way.

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