Encouraging Secret that Will Transform Your Election Season

Encouraging Secret that Will Transform Your Election Season November 7, 2024

Well, not surprisingly, there are intense feelings about the election. As was true in last week’s Part 1 of this two-part series, I am not going to tackle politics. We have enough of that whenever we look at the media or listen to our contrarian family member.

What I am going to do is remind us of the truth we demonstrated in Part 1: Despite what it looks like, we’re not as divided as we think. It’s not even close. (If you haven’t read Part 1, I highly recommend you take a look.)

Yet, since America seems so fractured, Christians have an incredible opportunity to be difference-makers: people who are catalysts for peace instead of division, people whose relationships reflect health instead of toxicity, people who, hopefully, look like Jesus and can draw others to Him.

I know not every blog reader is a person of faith, but in this article I’m going to speak bluntly to those of us who are. Because as grateful as I am to be a U.S. citizen, I believe we are commanded to act differently as those whose primary citizenship is actually in the kingdom of God. (See the beginning of Jesus’ most famous sermon, in Matthew 5.) Those actions will also help us thrive in our relationships, our workplaces, and our mental and emotional health.

So let’s build on Action Step #1 from last time (see most “others” as reasonable rather than radical), and look at four other action steps that will bring transformation.


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