Why does my man try to carry all the groceries in at once?

Why does my man try to carry all the groceries in at once? August 18, 2022

Factor #2: He wants you to cheer him on

Oh boy. This is where I often fail miserably. As you can see from my semi-exasperated statements to Jeff, I often do the opposite. Pestering Jeff to not try to carry everything was not a huge deal—but it was exactly the opposite of what he was looking for. Many of us either tolerate our man’s efforts (sometimes rolling our eyes in the process) or get actively frustrated.

I’m quite convicted to realize that what my husband—perhaps like yours!—is looking for is active encouragement. A man might not actually be climbing Pike’s Peak but he is still testing himself against adversity. He wants to feel that he’s “done good”—especially because you think he has done good!

Which leads to the third and final truth that we need to reckon with.

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