When She Has the Stronger Sex Drive; Part One.

When She Has the Stronger Sex Drive; Part One. April 13, 2023

Ladies, if YOU are the one with the stronger sex drive, here’s expert hope and help!

Hi everyone. I’m thrilled to share a series of three important guest articles by nationally-recognized sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma, offering hope, encouragement, and direction to wives who have a stronger sexual drive than their husbands – a situation that we now know happens in one in four marriages. Because much of my research centers around the more common situation in which the man has the stronger desire for sex, many women with higher libidos have told me they are confused and frustrated by the lack of good information for their situation.  

So I turned to a group I’ve partnered with for many years in researching and writing my books. Building Intimate Marriages is an exceptional resource for online articles and counseling for issues of sexual intimacy, and its founder and director, Dr. Michael Sytsma, is the author of the three thorough and helpful articles in this series. He is also the co-author of our 2023 book, Secrets of Sex & Marriage, based on our three-year research study on marital intimacy. We are updating this series with the data from that study.

If you are a woman with a stronger sex drive, I hope what you read encourages you to persevere in your pursuit of pleasure and sexual intimacy in your marriage!

— Shaunti

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