What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 2)

What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 2) August 29, 2023

Mindset shift #2: Trust your adult kids to make their own decisions.

No matter how much great groundwork we’ve laid by nudging our kids toward autonomy in their teen years, going “hands-free” on decision-making is an exercise in trust all on its own.

Especially since our adult kids will not make all the same decisions as us! They are navigating the landmines of “adulting” – and if they are early in their adult years, they are doing that for the first time. They are decades behind us in age and (hopefully) maturity. There will be stumbles. Just like we had stumbles during those years.

But we can remember this principle: trust builds trust.

As we show support for our adult children in their decision-making, they will likely approach us with greater and greater levels of trust – even inviting us to weigh in. Conversely, if they sniff out regular disappointment, criticism, or control from us, they may shut down or shut us out completely from their decisions.

So, how can we build a sense of mutual trust and respect, especially when we’ve been accustomed to having direct input into their decisions?


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