Looking Back, and Looking Ahead

Looking Back, and Looking Ahead December 31, 2024

What a year, ya’ll! As I’m sure each of you can relate, my year was so full of twists and turns.

On one hand, I got to do more of what I love and have been called to do:


  • I released Find Hope, a beautifully designed 60-day devotional to encourage women toward biblical hope that “sticks”—hope that’s more than just wishful thinking.
  • I got to encourage audiences all over the country (often with Jeff) with scientific research and biblical truths proven to help relationships and lives. If you joined my email list this year at a speaking event, I’m so glad that you’re here.
  • My bestselling book For Women Only turned twenty! TWENTY! That title, and its companion For Men Only, have sold more than 3 million copies in 26 languages. I had a hunch we were onto something when women craned their necks in coffee shops to hear as I told friends what my research revealed about how men think. But I’m still amazed.
  • I coauthored a book in two months while trying to pass a kidney stone that landed me in the hospital (twice!) and while zooming around on a scooter with a torn tendon in my foot. (I don’t recommend any of the above as optimal writing conditions!)
  • I traveled to the Dominican Republic to experience the incredible work of Compassion International. I’m so honored to encourage others to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name through child sponsorship. I urge you to close 2024 by opening up a child’s world, and consider child sponsorship through Compassion.


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