7 Quick Takes Friday! The Royal Wedding Edition

7 Quick Takes Friday! The Royal Wedding Edition April 29, 2011

Oh, yes. I am jumping on the bandwagon and writing my quick takes about the wedding to end all weddings.

Let it first be known that I did not watch the wedding because we have neither cable nor any other access to television aside from Netflix. So everything I know about the wedding, I learned from the internet. Kind of like everything else in my life.

Kate Middleton FTW!
(Go to this website for more awesome Duchess of Cambridge pictures)
Seriously. Look at that girl. Just look at her! She’s gorgeous, glamorous, elegant and everything a princess should be. She’s the type of princess the people of England hoped Princess Di would be, and their overwhelming hopes just crushed poor Di. 
Kate can take it. Hope away, ye Brits. 
A Semi-Acquaintance of Mine from High School with Whom I am Friends on Facebook
(Please take two seconds to click on the link, otherwise you won’t have any idea what I’m talking about.)
This kind of stuff really irritates me. Oh yes, as Americans, we are so frakking superior to you stupid, stodgy Brits still stuck in the fairy-tale of monarchy. 
No, I don’t think so. I could go into a long explanation about why I think that the British monarchy still means something, and why I think that the British people’s love of their monarchs is evidence of a deep, abiding goodness that we Americans are losing, or I could just show these two pictures. 
I think I’ll go with plan B. 
Which woman would you rather have representing you? Because I’d feel much more secure in the hands of a Burberry trench-coat wearing princess than in the hands of sloppy, t-shirt and short shorts wearing wife of national embarrassment.
Maybe That’s a Cheap Shot
… but I don’t think so. 
The monarchy is dignified. Nasty, adulterous scandals of the previous generation notwithstanding, the monarchy represents something that is rapidly slipping away from our world.
Class (and the fact that everyone reads this word and automatically thinks “social class” is exactly what I’m talking about). Propriety. Dignity. Honor. All those things that we Americans tend to look down upon as “snobbery” or, as Seinfeld so eloquently put it, “a circus act.”
I don’t agree with Seinfeld, but I can’t really tell you why. I’ve never given much thought to political systems or the institution of the monarchy, but lately it seems to me that the British royals are the last bastion of a better time.
Or Maybe
all of the hullabaloo over the royal wedding isn’t over the royal part of it at all…maybe, at it’s heart, what the people of England and some of us from other parts of the world are really cheering about is the wedding.
In A Time
when more marriages fall apart than stay together, maybe what we’re all really hoping for, when we look at this fairy-tale couple, is a fairy-tale ending. 
Deep Down
we all know that divorce is destructive. Even if some of us don’t have a moral objection to it, there’s just no denying that it’s extremely painful for everyone involved. 
Prince Charles and Princess Di’s marriage ended in disaster. They were hurt, the children were hurt, the extended royal family was hurt, and even the people of England were hurt. Everyone felt betrayed. 
Watching William and Kate get married is like getting a second chance. They’re a beacon of all the things that our world once cherished…traditional values, traditional government, even a traditional wedding dress! I think we’re all watching with bated breath, hoping for their marriage to last.
It Seems That 
great minds do indeed think alike, because the Ogre just pointed me to an article in the National Review’s online blog today that’s pondering the royal wedding along the same lines. Go check it out.
Have a great weekend, everyone! Here’s wishing you lots of tea and crumpets! 
(Does anyone know what a crumpet is?)

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