Requiem Aeternam

Requiem Aeternam April 19, 2011

My grandfather died last night. I’m told that he went swiftly, for which we are all grateful, as the last years of his life were full of steadily increasing suffering and affliction.

We are making preparations to fly to Texas tomorrow to be with my family at his funeral. I’d like to ask you all for your prayers on Holy Thursday as my family commits the body of James Weston Adkins to the grave and his soul into the hands of Our Lord.

Kyrie eleison; 
Christe eleison; 
Kyrie eleison 

Please pray especially for my grandmother Louise as she says farewell to her husband after many years of faithful marriage.  

“Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him.” 

Thank you, and I wish you all a wonderful Triduum.

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