I’m Alive! Don’t Worry!

I’m Alive! Don’t Worry! July 24, 2013

Beaucoup apologies for this ridiculously long and entirely unintentional blogging hiatus. We’ve been painting the DFW area red, hanging out with Rebecca Frech and her brood, spending quality cousin time, making up delicious cocktails with the glorious Deep Eddy vodka, drinking said cocktails, writing a dissertation, swimming, falling into the pool and almost drowning, teaching minions toswim, eating Chick-fil-a, setting off fireworks, and generally having loads of family vacation fun. I’ve only pulled out my beloved ASUS to use my workout videos, have looked at facebook maybe twice in the last month, and have been totally offline. It’s both liberating and depressing. I miss you guys!


The only reason I even have time to blog today is because I’m in the car with my Dad. I hitched a ride with him to Austin so I can have lunch with the woman herself, Jennifer Fulwiler. I would provide a handy link to her blog but I’m writing this from my phone so I can’t. You know who I mean, though. Everyone does. She has her own reality show, for crap’s sake. She’s famous! And she’s having lunch with me! *squeal*


Please pray that I overcome my fangirlishness before she really regrets this, k? Or if I can’t, at least pray that I remember to ask her to sign my tushy.


Don’t worry I’ll be back soon with pictures. Or me and Jen. Not my signed tushy. Please forgive any spelling and formatting horrors, too. When it comes to typing on my phi.e, I’m all thumbs. (Hahahaha, right?)

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