Let’s Speak Truth in Smack-down (and love, obviously)

Let’s Speak Truth in Smack-down (and love, obviously) March 29, 2014

Sometimes I feel like none of us blogging Catholics ever fight fair, cause we’re all worried about compassion and love and junk. We’re way too ready to whip out the “Greatest Commandment” trump card anytime someone says something we don’t like or disagrees with us or makes stupid words with their stupid typing fingers. I’m pretty sure I used it at least 50 times just in that one week after Pope Francis said we should all be gay. What I really wanted to say to all the Whiny McWhinerpants was “you’re stupid and so’s your face,” but they would have just whined some more about charity or whatever, and I didn’t feel like I could handle that much lameness.

It’s equally annoying when people write rebuttals to my posts that drip with civility and compassion, especially when they’re so kind that I can’t figure out if they actually disagree with me or they just don’t like my gratuitous use of four-letter words. It’s confusing. I can’t respond appropriately if I have no idea what level of ire I should be mustering up, ya know?

For that matter, I can’t respond appropriately at all, because TRUTH IN LOVE!

It’d probably be frowned upon to just toss charity out with the bathwater, though, so it’s lucky for us that I had a brilliant moment of inspiration last night,when Simcha posted this thing on facebook. Here’s what I propose: Anytime you need to write a post about me or send me an email and you’re all constrained by the stupid bonds of compassionate discourse, just put this at the bottom, right before you sign your name:

That way I’ll totally get what you really mean, and when I respond with with kindness and respect, I’ll put it at the bottom of MY post, too, and then we’ll all be on the same page.

You know, after a while, we could probably stop disagreeing in lengthy posts entirely and just post a link to each other’s post with the smack-down gif below it. It would much more efficient of us, and way more fun.


BTW, you can totally put the smack-down gif in the comments if you hate this post and my stupid face. Here’s a handy link on how to do it. You’re welcome, stupidhead!

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