January 14, 2011

Yay! I haven’t joined Jen for quick takes in several weeks, and when I realized this morning that it’s Friday I did an embarrassing little shuffle-dance over to the computer to whip up some quick takes. Of course, that was half an hour ago, because as soon as my rear hit the chair Sienna decided she wanted to paint so I had to get out her paints, find a paintbrush, set up her paper and get her a glass of... Read more

January 12, 2011

Definitely a departure from the normal fare you get around here, but this subject has been eating at me. It keeps coming up in blog circles and on Facebook itself; how Facebook is evil, would like to destroy our children, and must be boycotted. How Mark Zuckerberg is a shade shy of Hitler. How everyone who works for Facebook or supports it are nefarious, soulless and twelve kinds of capitalists. And these complaints appear most often on…Facebook itself. Every time... Read more

January 11, 2011

We are finally home. Against all odds, we got on a plane in iced-out DFW yesterday, spent way too long in the air, stopped at Trader Joe’s for groceries and wine, and then walked into our beautiful, beautiful apartment. I cried. We’ve been gone for a month, and I’ve never been so happy to see my own kitchen again. And my own bed. But most importantly, I’ve missed you, my readers! I’ve missed blogging and all my blog friends, but... Read more

December 30, 2010

Not long ago, I wrote about dreading our trip home for Christmas. I was looking forward to seeing our families and especially our niece and nephews, but every time we go home the Ogre and I fight. It’s often related to long-held disagreements about our different families and the stress of the holidays usually brings it to a head. However, this year we swore not to fight. I told the Ogre that on Christmas Day, if we fought, I would... Read more

December 23, 2010

This is going to be a quickie post, just to let you all know that actually I am still alive, just very, very busy with family and friends. I promise to be posting more regularly after Christmas, but this is likely going to be the last post I write until after Christmas. However, to whet your appetite for what is to come, I’ve been working and re-working a post that I hope you will all find interesting. It’s a love... Read more

December 17, 2010

Wow, am I running late today. I spent most of the morning driving around with my adorable, freezing children who have forgotten what life is like outside the desert. It was a frigid 40 degrees in Dallas today, and we wandered up to our alma mater to pay the place, and our old professors, a visit. I got to spend almost an hour blissfully alone, talking with one of my favorite professors. He teaches poetry, and was the first professor... Read more

December 16, 2010

Sienna has a sweater that makes me sad. It’s a really pretty sweater that my mom bought for her this year at Old Navy. Here’s a picture of her in it: For some reason, this sweater reminds me of sweaters from the 40’s. Specifically, every time I button it around her, I think of little children who died in the Holocaust. I realize this is a bizarre association, and I can’t explain where it came from. I don’t know if... Read more

December 13, 2010

We finally made it to Texas late Saturday night. It was great to see my parents and get settled in. Their house is so beautifully decorated! My mom is just as much a freak about Christmas as I am, so seeing the winter wonderland that she put together made me finally feel Christmas-ey. I hated not buying a tree this year, but it just wasn’t worth the money when we wouldn’t be there to enjoy it. Yesterday we drove out... Read more

December 11, 2010

One of the comments on my submission post really caught my attention and spurred yet another round of interesting conversation between the Ogre and I. We can’t come up with an answer that satisfies either of us yet, so I thought I would ask my readers what you guys think. 40DaysOf was disturbed by my post because she saw it as being submission taken to an extreme, or rather, submission when the husband was not fulfilling his end of the... Read more

December 10, 2010

Well, this week I was going to do a post on the 7 creepiest Christmas songs, but JoAnna totally stole my idea. Right out of my head. And, I daresay, she probably did a better job with it than I would have, so I’ll just give you the highlight of my would-have-been post in one of my quick takes. And because my idea went out the window, this week’s quick takes will once again lack coherency and organization. Whee! #7... Read more

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