January 26, 2011

Yesterday I went into blogger to change the header and…because I’m totally computer illiterate…I erased my entire custom template. When I re-did it I ended up with a garish shade of yellow for a background and an unfortunate pink for lettering. Then the Ogre happened to mention that he thought the color scheme was ugly to begin with, so I re-did the whole thing. And this is the result! What do you guys think? I promise to be back later... Read more

January 25, 2011

After discovering, much to my horror, that my header looks like a four-year-old designed it on every computer except my own, I’m now trying to re-do it. Unfortunately I’m computer illiterate, so I just managed to erase my template and screw up all my colors. I’m working on it. In the meantime, I’m sorry. I hope you can still read it. Read more

January 25, 2011

in Tulsa, Oklahoma thinks that I am an awesome writer. This morning I was up at 5:30 with Liam, who seems to think that watching the sun rise is great fun. In my semi-conscious daze, I clicked randomly on the shortcuts we’ve installed on the top bar of our internet browser. It was too early to type an actual website into the search bar, so I clicked past HotAir (way to early for nasty politics), got impatient waiting for Drudge... Read more

January 24, 2011

For those of you who don’t read Simcha’s incredible blog, I need to explain what is about to happen. Simcha does this thing called “search terms poetry” where she composes poems out of terms that people have searched for which have landed them on her page. They are so hysterical that I thought I would do one of my own. So I did! And here it is! Enjoy! All Roads Lead to Lebanon lebanon lebanon Libanon lebanon? Lebanon?  Lebanon  lebanon... Read more

January 22, 2011

38 years ago today, Roe v. Wade was passed. No one is naive enough to think that abortions didn’t happen before that decision; the history of killing children in utero is nearly as old as civilization itself. But this court decision paved the way for abortions to come out of the back alleys and into Main Street, opening up the floodgates for millions of children to be disposed of. Most importantly, it took the debate about abortion and placed it... Read more

January 21, 2011

It appears that I’m running seriously late again. Sorry, guys. I blame the Ogre; he’s insisted on setting up a schedule in our house so that we have some order in our lives, and one direct result of the schedule is that he has taken over his study. Where the computer is. Can you imagine? The gall! So now I have to wait until his approved “cease and desist” time before I can blog. The things I do for the... Read more

January 20, 2011

This morning, I went to go to the dentist. I’ve known that there has been something wrong with my teeth for a while, but since we’ve been bereft of dental insurance for quite a while I’ve put it off. When I finally got a new insurance plan in October that allowed me to sign up for dental, I jumped at the chance. But what with all that pesky new-baby-having and Thanksgiving hysteria and Christmas traveling, I’ve put off the actual... Read more

January 18, 2011

A few days ago, Kate Wicker posted a wonderful piece on choosing “growth” to be her word for 2011. I loved reading it because I identify so much with Kate; so many of the things that she said were so familiar. But I winced while reading it, because all the while I knew that “growth” would indeed not be my word for 2011. I knew that my word for 2011 is the same word that I should have held up... Read more

January 16, 2011

While I was in Texas, I promised you that I would shortly be posting a love story that I had been working on for some time. I’m sad to say that, in fact, I won’t be posting that story. At least not in the coming months. It’s a story that I really want to tell…in some ways, it’s the story that I want to tell. It’s the story of how I got here, how I became a wife, a mother,... Read more

January 15, 2011

I’d like to ask you all for your prayers in the coming months. Our very dear friend Kathleen, the daughter-in-law of my incredibly awesome godparents, is in the hospital with a partially ruptured placenta. She is about seven and a half months pregnant with their third child, Josephine, and has been placed in the hospital until the baby is born. It seems that the rupture is so small that the doctors cannot find it on an ultrasound but large enough... Read more

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