February 14, 2020

Calling in the elements, calling the quarters, calling the Guardians of the Watchtowers, calling the Elementals – so many names!  But essentially we are calling upon the four elements from the four directions to join us in ritual and to lend their power, energy and protection.  Read more

February 7, 2020

We all know that blissful moment of putting our feet up at the end of a hard day and sipping a hot cup of soothing tea.  Relaxing, calming and apparently the answer to every situation “have a cup of tea it will make you feel better”.   But tea can also be extremely magical especially if you create the blends yourself and tie them in with your magical intent. Read more

February 1, 2020

February is a month of promises.  January is done with and March is on the horizon.  Spring isn’t here yet, and often not even any sign of it, but that hint is in the air.  February is still all about warming comfort food, but it also includes Imbolc at the beginning of the month.  Read more

January 24, 2020

Every single plant, tree, herb and flower will have its own very individual and unique energy.  That energy can be use for magical or medicinal purposes.  So you could use the herb, leaves, petals or seeds within your magical workings – magic powders, witches bottles, mojo bags etc or you could use the plant parts in medicinal teas, tinctures or salves.  But you can also connect with the plant spirit and use its energies for healing, knowledge or seeking answers to questions. Read more

January 16, 2020

Something I have made for years are witch bottles.  I always keep a couple in the house and renew them regularly. Their purpose in my home is to soak up negative energy and keep the house full of happy positive vibes.  However, witch bottles can be made for any intent. These are so easy to make, you don’t need special pretty bottles you can just use old clean jam jars. Read more

January 8, 2020

The weather is cold in January in the UK so for me it is still all about comfort food.  Eating lettuce in January seems wrong and it isn’t in season anyway, bring on the comfort cookies, big bowls of steaming hot food and gut busting puddings… Read more

January 2, 2020

The magic of flowers in oracle card form... As some of you will know, I am a keen gardener and love working magic with the plants and flowers that I grow in my small city garden. So it was a natural move to create an oracle deck that works with those plants.  Read more

December 6, 2019

When you are wandering around your kitchen filming a live facebook video about magical food and ingredients you can occasionally be struck by inspiration…or madness. Read more

December 1, 2019

Kitchen Witch Bakes For December The winter solstice of Yule as it is often called, arrives in December.  The shortest day and the longest night, it is from this day onwards that we start to get a little bit more sunlight each day.  A time for family, friends, get togethers, feasting and celebrating. Read more

November 22, 2019

I love incense, well actually I love scent of all kinds.  Certain smells can evoke all kinds of wonderful feelings, emotions and memories.  White musk takes me back to the mid 80s and the perfume I used to wear.  Anything with sandalwood reminds me of my husband and his aftershave.  Frankincense is the scent I associate mostly with Glastonbury.  Cinnamon and cloves are the scents of the festive season (my favourite time of the year).  Each one individual and unique. However, incense can not only set of smoke detectors in the house but can also cause issues with those that suffer from asthma.  I often get asked what other options people can use, here are some of my suggestions. Read more

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