December 8, 2020

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December 8, 2020

  The word repentance is bandied about both inside and outside Christian circles with hardly any effort to pause and ask what the term means or entails.  In this season of Advent, which is meant to be a time of reflection on our faith leading up to Christmas, it would be well to think more seriously about repentance, not least because, many American Christians have much to repent of for their self-centered non-Christian behavior this year, placing so-called rights over... Read more

December 7, 2020

  Meaning is not in the eye of the beholder, though Lord knows, we are all active readers who bring our ideas and assumptions to the reading of the Bible.  Here is another ‘spot on’ quote from Peter Gommes’ The Good Book  p.26: “A text may have a life of its own, but that life depends upon the author who gave it life, investing it with an intention, a purpose,  and a meaning. The text therefore already participates in something other... Read more

December 6, 2020

  Peter Gommes has many good things to say in his bestseller ‘The Good Book’, not least is what he says on p. 12 about how not and how to do Bible study. “Bible studies tend to follow this route. The Bible is simply the entry into a discussion about more interesting things , usually about oneself. The text is a mere pretext to other matters and usually the routine works like this: A verse or passage is given out,... Read more

December 5, 2020

At least I’m in good company in having to deal with this question over and over again. BW3 Read more

December 4, 2020

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December 4, 2020

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December 3, 2020

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December 2, 2020

We have stressed before, and I would stress again that the speech was a far more widespread and influential phenomenon than the letter in the Mediterranean world in which our authors wrote.  This is so not just because only 10-15% of the populus was literate (i.e. could read and write), but also because rhetoric, Greco-Roman rhetoric and its various forms and modifications (Attic, Asiatic, Jewish) had a much longer and more influential history than letter writing.   When letter writing comes... Read more

December 1, 2020 Read more

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