Send Hope: Write a Note

Send Hope: Write a Note December 7, 2019

There is an anti-hunger organization called Bread for the World that I used to work for. They work in Washington D.C. with lawmakers to create legislation that ensures that people don’t go hungry. Bread for the World helps people to share their stories of food insecurity and hunger issues with congressional representatives and works with churches all over the United States to host letter-writing events. At these events, church members are encouraged to compose notes which are sent to legislators.

One of the reasons Bread for the World is so effective is that the letters are written by hand. Most members of Congress are used to being sent emails or receiving phone calls. It is rare that someone takes the time to pull out a sheet of paper, to write down their thoughts and then buy a stamp, address an envelop and put the letter in a mailbox.

The whole act takes time and effort. The same message could be communicated much faster through an email or a phone call, but the power of the letter is actually in its inefficiency.

The gift of time is one way that we can communicate that we care. People recognize that if someone takes the time to hand write a note it shows that they really care about what they are writing about and that they care about the person they are writing to as
well. Think about the last time you received a handwritten note in the mail, how did that make you feel?

Action for Today

Think about someone in your life who you would like to encourage and write them a note or draw them a picture.

You can also write notes for people who you don’t know well. Consider writing a Christmas card for someone in a local retirement community or a thank you card for a service worker. Write a message of hope to those who are struggling and give it to a local non-profit for their clients. You could drop some off at Hope Clinic in Ypsilanti, MI; for example. We would love to pass on your encouraging words!

No matter who you choose to write to, take time to speak from the heart with love! You never know what your letter could mean in the life of another!


Advent Action Guide

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