When I saw that Martina Navratilova was the first celebrity voted off Dancing with the Stars last night, I truly felt for her. Every single star on that stage is taking a risk, getting out of their comfort zone, facing down stage fright – and in some cases – two left feet.
At least, that’s the way it was for me. When I first was invited to participate in the show, my mom asked me what I thought about participating, I remember saying, “Well, I can’t dance, and I’m not a star…”
I realized I’d have to move to Los Angeles, live in an apartment, and rehearse with a professional partner twenty hours a week. But the worst part of it was that it would all be aired live!
I was nervous about it, and my parents were too. In fact, DWTS producers had approached my dad but he turned it down because he didn’t have time. (Um, can you imagine the pressure of being my dad’s dancing partner? After being married to my mom all these years, what kind of partner would possibly suit him?) As you probably already know, I packed my truck and drove 3,600 miles from Wasilla to Los Angeles.
I definitely had an adventure!
I hope Martina can look back at her time without regret. She truly gave it her all and looked great in her classy and elegant dresses. By the way, though the tennis star is 55 years old, she and I wore the same dress! During my season, I wore a black costume when I danced the Argentine Tango, and I noticed she was wearing it in one of her promo shots. (I put a side-by-side of both of us at the top of this post. Look how serious Mark and I look! You’d think we were checking out a car crash instead of dancing on a show!) Martina looked fantastic on Dancing with the Stars and showed a dedication from which we could all benefit!
Now that the tennis legend is out of the running, who are your favorites? Of course, I was so proud of Mark – can you believe that he and Katherine tied for the best dance of the night in the first week? And then that jive was amazing! (I loved what the producers did with the “Casino” style staging.) I’d say they hit the jackpot with that dance.
Who’s going to take home the mirror ball trophy?
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