Did You See This? Three Heroes of the Movie Massacre

Did You See This? Three Heroes of the Movie Massacre July 24, 2012

Still reeling from the Colorado shooting.  Can’t stop thinking about it, actually.

Did you see this?  Three of the guys who died during the Aurora, Colorado shooting were killed while protecting their dates:

Three survivors of the Colorado movie-theater massacre escaped with minor wounds, but were left with broken hearts because their heroic boyfriends died saving them.

In final acts of valor, Jon Blunk, Matt McQuinn and Alex Teves used their bodies to shield their girlfriends as accused madman James Holmes turned the Aurora cineplex into a shooting gallery.

These guys didn’t have much time to think.  However first inclination was not to protect themselves, but to protect their loved ones.  Let’s keep praying for their families.

What a loss.

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