How a Heroic Bus Driver Stopped a Kidnapping in Progress

How a Heroic Bus Driver Stopped a Kidnapping in Progress July 16, 2015

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A bus driver in California saw a man and a boy on his bus who matched a press release the police had put out that morning. What did he do?

He did some quick thinking and made an announcement about a missing backpack. He pulled the bus over supposedly to look for it, but during the stop, he called the police.

They were waiting at the next bus stop. The boy was taken into safety and the man was arrested.

That’s when Tim Watson discovered he had stopped an abduction in progress, and he broke down.

People are calling him a hero, but he says it was just his parental instincts that kicked in. He’s super grateful that he saw that press release when he did – and I’m sure the little boy and his family are too!

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