I am so proud to live in America, where the rule of law allows us to live peacefully.
Recently, however, people have become disillusioned with law enforcement. They have accused them of horrific behavior, sometimes racist, and have tarred the entire bunch of them by the actions of a very few. (And, to be fair, some of the actions have been misreported and mischaracterized by a media all-too-hungry to make cops look bad.)
The result of this anti-cop rhetoric has been bad for our nation. When police are no longer trusted, it’s easier for crime to flourish. Criminals are empowered. Chaos runs amok.
That’s why it was so awesome to see President Donald Trump — who said he would be the “law and order” President — do this before taking off in Marine One. Independent Journal Review has the story:
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump attended a roundtable discussion on Long Island, New York, on immigration, with the main focus on brutal gang violence by MS-13. After the event, Trump headed to Marine One to go back to Washington, D.C., when he spotted a group of police officers waiting for him.
He changed course and literally ran over to them to shake their hands and thank them for their service to the country.
Awww. That is so nice. The officers were New York State Police and also the Nassau County Police Department… and they seemed to be touched by the attention and the respect.
Here’s a social media posts that has the full video:
Though Trump has been recently criticized for calling members of a violent gang “animals,” most of America supports the President’s distaste for these violent thugs. So does James McDermott, president of the Nassau County police union. He told IJR:
“I am glad he is here. We have been asking the county for help. Behind me are pictures of police officers that have died in the line of duty. MS-13 wants to put another officer on the wall and I can’t let that happen.”
Exactly. We appreciate the men and women in blue — and all they do to make America a safe and peaceful place.
Thank you!