4 Ways to Stop Arguing about Abortion and Start PREVENTING IT

4 Ways to Stop Arguing about Abortion and Start PREVENTING IT November 8, 2016

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3.  Stop Arguing Over Whether the Baby is a Life — Technology Proves It Is!

Cara writes:

With 3D imaging and other advances in science and embryology, there is no longer much point in arguing about whether an unborn baby “counts” as a human life. Pro-abortion leftists increasingly acknowledge that it does. The increasing approval of euthanasia in our culture should clue us in to the fact that leftists don’t deny that someone is human — they just don’t care. Or they claim to care, but subscribe to a made-up algorithm that deems some humans less entitled to the privileges of, say, not being killed and dismembered, than others.

In other words, no one is really describing unborn babies as “clumps of cells.”  That’s great — but it requires you listen to pro-abortion advocates’ arguments and respond accordingly!

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