5 times Carly Fiorina slammed Donald Trump before she was considered for a cabinet position

5 times Carly Fiorina slammed Donald Trump before she was considered for a cabinet position December 15, 2016

2. “Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two sides of the same coin”

At that same acceptance speech, Fiorina described Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump as one in the same:

“Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are two sides of the same coin. They’re both liberal, we know that.

“Like so many politicians, Hillary Clinton has made her millions selling access and influence from inside the system. And Donald Trump has made his billions buying people like Hillary Clinton. They are not going to challenge the system that has sold us all down the river. They’re not going to challenge the crony capitalists, they’re not going to challenge the Washington insiders, they’re not going to challenge the lobbyists — my gosh, they’re campaigns’ filled with them. No, they’re not going to challenge the system; they are the system.”

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