A black man with common sense is asked a question at an Anti-Trump protest, people freak out, and he doesn’t care!

A black man with common sense is asked a question at an Anti-Trump protest, people freak out, and he doesn’t care! January 26, 2017


Oh my gosh — I love this guy who calls himself “Big Joe.”

Watch him talking to a woman on the street — he’s got a LOT of great talking points, but it makes the protestors go absolutely nuts.

I love one woman’s first comment to him.

“You’re on a bicycle and you are an idiot.”

Nice.  That make sense.  I hate all those dumb people who ride bicycles.

Anyway, I love what he says about Margaret Sanger, abortion, black genocide, and the protestors….  the people try to shout him down, but he STICKS with it.  They cannot out-shout this guy!

This is what happens when a person with common sense gets thrown in the mix. Love it!!!

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